Anyone can paint, regardless of whether you can draw.
Painting and drawing are like pepper and salt, they go well together but you don't need to know how to draw, to be able to paint,
What you'll receive is mentoring, support and know-how to build your confidence. Teaching beginner artists from scratch is my specialty.
Join a small group of fun, friendly, encouraging and like-minded people in a relaxed environment. All painting levels are welcome; beginners or experienced painters.
Work at your own pace, on your own piece, with Ali supporting you all the way to the finish line with coaching, suggestions, tips & tricks.
Maximum of 6 participants; bookings are essential.
Where: Ali Hill Art Studio 10 Jennison Ct, Chelsea Heights
Term Prices: 10am - 1pm for $66 (inc GST) per class when full term is paid in advance 10am - 2pm for $88 (inc GST) per class when full term is paid in advance You can book a mixture of 3 & 4 hour classes per term Add an extra $20 on top of class prices if using studio materials
Casual Prices: 10am - 1pm for $88 per class (inc GST) - confirmed the day before 10am - 2pm for $110 per class -(inc GST) - confirmed the day before Add an extra $20 on top of class prices if using studio materials
There are strictly no refunds however you can gift/transfer the class to someone else if you can’t do a make up class Make-up classes can be in any class during the same term - confirmed the day before.
Days: Mondays - fortnightly Wednesdays & Thursdays - weekly Please see term dates below
BYO: Art materials, image ideas, canvas, lunch & sense of humour; tea & coffee are supplied
You only live once - connect with your inner artist & make time for you.